Thursday, May 26, 2005

Birds In a Bird's Nest

"Here we sit like birds in a bird's nest - waiting for our food! FOOD!"

My sisters and I used to sing that song sometimes while sitting around the dining room table and banging our utensils with the beat of the song on the table. There were other verses as well and it was all done in very good humor. So this nest was discovered in my apartment complex tonight. The mother bird was feeding them on a pretty regular basis at about 8:30pm.
I wasn't able to get any good pictures of her feeding them tonight.
I'll try again sometime in the next few days.

1 comment:

Kate S. said...

Barn swallows! I found a nest in Ketchikan last week, on top of a light fixture in the entranceway of the fisheries service office building. An adult bird was flying around the parking lot chasing a feather that was floating in the wind. The swallow swooped onto the feather, caught it, then dropped it, only to swoop after and catch it again. It dropped and caught it several times, perhaps until it had caught it at just the right angle for convenient carrying. Then it took the feather to its nest and climbed in to arrange and rearrange it with all the other feathers whose tips were peeking out over the mud basket. I guess she's laid eggs by now, and it sure looked like a cozy place to be born.