Friday, July 01, 2005

Eumorpha pandoras (formerly Pholus pandorus)

Pandora Sphinx Moth

This amazingly beautiful Pandora Sphinx moth was found on the wall of a gas station in North Carolina on July 1st while I was travelling up to Virginia.

The adults are found from June - August from as far north as southeastern Canada into the lower eastern United States. The caterpillars feed on Virginia creeper and wild or cultivated grapes. The adults feed at dawn or at dusk, but rarely in total darkness.

This adult most likely was attracted to the bright lights of this gas station and decided that this was a good place to stay through the afternoon of the following day.

To get an idea of the size of this hefty creature - check out this link:

Here is a wonderful link that I found today
which explains the basics about many different types of life on earth.

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